Saturday, August 20, 2016

Spider controls inspections and recommendations

Most of the spiders  gain access to the interior of the house through the tongue and groove in eves of the house
There is 2 option to dealing with the spiders situation in the house.

The 1st solution is exclusion work with clear silicone on the tongue and grove boards in the eves of the house.
The 2nd solution is do a perimeter spray regularly.

Spider will hide in dark areas in your situation under the deck is a great place to nest.

Most of the pictures are showing were the spider hide 
Fine screen mesh around the deck to keep the spider from nesting under the deck.
Smear adhesive around the tree trunks can slow down the spiders in the trees close to the house
The small house has a deck off the ground great place for them to hide
Spiders will hide in cracks and crevices so sealing the cracks is a solution
Spider will nest under the tub
The hanging chains is easy access for spiders to get to the eves
Smear adhesive around the tree trunks can slow down the spiders in the trees close to the house
Removing the debris under the deck  and fine screening off the deck will keep the spider out of under the deck
Fire wood against the house is a great nest area for the spiders. Silicone the over hang wall edges to keep the spiders out
Hanging  chain and fence butting against the house is easy access to the eves of the house

Smear adhesive around the tree trunks can slow down the spiders in the trees close to the house

Filling the gaps will keep the spider out
Moving the firewood away from the house will remove the nest areas away from the house

Chains to the ground are easy access to the eves of the tongue and groove

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