One of the initial tasks
of control is inspections to locate where the pests are hiding and to determine
the degree of infestation. The results of a thorough inspection can determine
the treatment protocol. Experienced exterminators know exactly where to look
and use a wide array of tools to assist them with this task. Bed bugs can
travel throughout a home or building, inspections of adjoining rooms or
apartments are also often required.
Recent bed bug story in
the news, today, states bed bug infestation in a seattle apartment. Boy
being bitten and hundreds of these pests found in his bedroom. Crawling
out of the wood and the mattress and black blood stains found on bedding.
Yes, it can happen in even the best of apartments. If there is suspicion
of bed bug infestation then the first crucial thing to do is report this
to the Apartment Manager and secondly get a pest control professional
hired.Experts say following their protocol is an important part in getting rid
of the bed bugs.
Bed bugs are ingenious in
that the yucky critters can travel inside on suitcases, people’s clothing,
backpacks, used furniture or pretty much anything. Purchasing used
mattresses is taking a big chance on getting infested with Bed Bugs. Never
ever stop to pick up used bedding or furniture that has a “Free” sign on
it. Think about it. Here is something to always keep in mind and that is
Bed Bugs can travel from one apartment to another.
Is it bed bugs
If not sure if it’s Bed
Bugs chomping through the unit then start checking mattresses and all
pieces of the entire bed for evidence of these pests that are invading the
apartment. If one is located then put it in a container or plastic zip
lock bag for evidence. Now that proper steps have been taken to notify the
Manager of the apartment check into tenants rights for the State of
Washington for apartment owners. Find out what the management’s
responsibilities are, if any, for taking care of the bed bug infestation.
It needs to be disclosed by the Manager if any other Tenants had this type
of infestation. Therefore all of the other tenants should be notified if
there is a Bed Bug Infestation. Financial responsibility will usually be
dictated by where the infestation begun.
Report the Bed Bug
Problem to the Manager when bed bugs are suspected.Contact the manager right
away, do not ignore it. The management should bring in a qualified Pest
Control exterminator to inspect and measure the concentration of bed bugs
in the rental as well as the adjoining units. Important to remember is that the
Manager should give the tenant proper notice of entry for inspection by a
Pest Control exterminator.
To assist in getting this
stressful and annoying problem its time to contact a professional.
Call AMPM Exterminators. The pest control eliminator will have distinct
and strict guidelines of protocol to follow in preparation for elimination
of the bed bug infestation. Tenants in bed bug-infested units will be
required to take the following steps:
All clutter needs to be
all items from closets, shelves, and drawers.
bedding and clothing needs to be washed and all items put into sealed plastic
bags. Label the bag “washed”.
the entire apartment thoroughly and dispose of the vacuum bag immediately by
placing in garbage in a sealed bag outside the unit.
out during the AMPM Exterminators treatment for the amount of
time dictated by the Pest Control professional.
infested items that can’t be treated such as the mattress. Keep in mind
that if the tenant does NOT follow the protocol of AMPM Exterminators, and the
bed bugs reappear, it will mean starting the entire process all over
again. Time is of the essence as the bed bugs are multiplying and enjoying
the blood feast.
Living in an apartment or
condominium, it’s best to alert the property manager. A coordinated bed
bug control effort using AMPM Exterminators company is needed in this
stressful situation. Because Bed bugs can move quickly from apartment to
apartment, people may be unaware that there is a problem. If one apartment
is infested, the adjoining units would be most probably be infested also.
Unless it can be shown otherwise through an inspection that this is not
the case. Just by asking tenants whether or not there are bed bugs present
is not enough. A recent study showed that only half of the tenants in a
large apartment complex knew there was, a bed bug problem in the
buildings. AMPM Exterminators to the rescue with Best bed bugs
Exterminators in the Northwest.
beg bug
infestations have become a common problem. Although they were often previously
associated with overcrowding and dilapidated housing environments, this is no
longer the case. They have returned and can be found in the cleanest living
accommodations including fine hotels and large apartment buildings. The reasons
they have returned is not fully understood, but is believed to be partially due
to an increase in travel among people, which includes easy movement of luggage
or other items that may have become infested. Due to changes in regulations,
pesticides that previously were used to control these offending insects are no
longer being used, which may also be a contributing factor to their resurgence.
Bed bugs can be very difficult to get rid of, especially if there is a severe
infestation. Usually when this is the case, it is more cost- and time-efficient
to hire a professional bug exterminator to eliminate the infestation and help
prevent a re-infestation.